Vegan Vs Sustainable Fashion
Author : Amal Rahiman
Fashion is surrounded by a lot of terminologies these days. Fast, slow, ethical, sustainable, vegan, fair-trade, mindful…the list just goes on.
Here’s How Long Your Trash Takes to Decompose
Author : Amal Rahiman
It’s a hot sunny day, and so you crave an iced drink. You stop at your favourite juice stall to order a fresh cold cocktail.
Is Veganism the Modern-Day Evolution?
Author : Amal Rahiman
Have you ever considered Adam and Eve to be vegans?
They had a whole Garden of Eden to themselves, laden with lush berries and juicy fruits.
Climate change : What could happen if we do nothing about it
Author : Amal Rahiman
The year is 2050.
The air is heavy. You cough, but that’s not new. You have been coughing every day for the past few years now.
Can we kill plastic once and for all? | How bad is plastic pollution on our planet?
Author : Amal Rahiman
Our planet is suffocating with plastic.
Plastic is bad – we already know this. We have all heard about plastic being in our food, in our soil, and even in our clothes.
25 Eco Friendly Swaps To Live More Sustainably
Author : Amal Rahiman
Climate change, deforestation, growing population, depleting resources – there is a lot going on with our big blue planet. Each individual’s daily lifestyle choices are either having a positive or a negative impact on our eco-system and making tiny changes and swaps on our part can ease the burden on the earth. These 25 eco-friendly swaps are easy to do and have a much bigger and more positive impact on the future than you think it does.
How You Can Start Living A Sustainable Life (The 5 R’s of Sustainable Living)
Every little thing you do on a day-to-day basis has an impact on this planet.
Sustainable living means living in a way that fulfills our daily needs while reducing an individual’s and/or society’s use of the earth’s natural resources.