Building Muscles on a Vegan Diet | Guide to Vegan Bodybuilding
Author : Amal Rahiman
Bodybuilding and veganism – two words that are rarely ever put together due to the number of stereotypes and myths that surround a vegan diet
We build muscle with protein. Protein has become synonymous with egg whites, chicken breasts, whey powder, and dairy products, and thus it seems impossible to fathom that muscle can be built solely with a vegan diet.
How You Can Start Living A Sustainable Life (The 5 R’s of Sustainable Living)
Every little thing you do on a day-to-day basis has an impact on this planet.
Sustainable living means living in a way that fulfills our daily needs while reducing an individual’s and/or society’s use of the earth’s natural resources.
What Are The Macros? Why you should be tracking and counting them.
Author : Amal Rahiman
Macros seem to be a word that is everywhere. Almost everybody in the fitness world seems to be talking about if their meals or snacks “fit their macros”.
The 10 Types Of Vegan Protein Powders
Author : Amal Rahiman
During the early days of veganism, one of the main issues faced by many was to ensure proper protein intake.
Proteins are the building blocks of our body necessary for cell repair and growth. Our bodies cannot store protein like how it stores fat, and thus we need to make sure we consume the required amount of protein daily.
Top 10 Vegan Cooking Hacks
Veganism is on the rise, which makes it easy to find vegan products in stores. But there may still be instances whenyou’re mid-way into cooking a dish and you realise you don’t have an ingredient that you need that’s vegan, and you have to improvise– then these tricks will come in handy.These hacks not only substitute perfectly for vegan ingredients, but are also cheap and are common kitchen staples that you can find lying around.
Beginner’s Guide to Veganism – How to go Vegan the easy way
If you can go Vegan overnight, then that’s awesome! More power to you.
But normally, for most of us, it is a transition, where one first goes vegetarian, then dairy-free, and eventually on a vegan diet.
Top 10 Calcium Rich Foods For Vegans
Calcium is one of the most requisite minerals for the human body in order to form, build and maintain strong bones and teeth. It is also required for the proper functioning of nerves and muscles.
Top 10 Iron Rich Foods For Vegans
Author : Amal Rahiman
Iron is a crucial mineral for your body. It is important as it is necessary to make hemoglobin. This protein is the vehicle in red blood cells that transports oxygen all around our bodies.
How To Order Vegan Food At A Non Vegan Restaurant
As the days go by, more and more restaurants have vegan options, and some even with a separate vegan menu. But if you ever find yourself in an unfamiliar place or a restaurant with no vegan options, here are 4 quick tips to help you order a vegan meal:
Tofu vs Tempeh What’s the difference
Both tofu and tempeh come from the same source: soybeans.
Although both are processed soy products, tofu is made from soymilk while tempeh is made from soybeans.